Software Development and QA Tips By QASource Experts

How to detect AI Generated Code?

Written by QASource Engineering Team | May 27, 2024 4:00:00 PM

Detecting AI-generated code is a complex task that requires a multifaceted approach, leveraging technical expertise and critical thinking. Here are some strategies and examples of code rectification designed to engage and challenge you:

  • Pattern Recognition

    • Detection: Look for patterns characteristic of AI-generated code, such as repetitive structures or unusual variable naming conventions.
    • Rectification: If patterns are identified, refactor the code to remove redundancies and improve readability. Additionally, renaming variables should be considered to follow standard naming conventions.
  • Syntax Analysis

    • Detection: Analyze the code syntax for inconsistencies or unusual constructs that may indicate automated generation.
    • Rectification: Review the code line by line to identify syntax errors or unconventional constructs. Rectify these issues by rewriting code segments to adhere to standard syntax rules.
  • Logic Errors and Inconsistencies

    • Detection: Test the code for logical errors or inconsistencies from automated generation.
    • Rectification: Identify and debug any logic errors in the code. Using debugging tools and techniques, you can trace the execution flow and identify issues that lead to incorrect behavior.
  • Comments and Documentation

    • Detection: Examine the comments and documentation within the code for generic or irrelevant information.
    • Rectification: Enhance the comments and documentation to provide meaningful insights into the code's functionality. Add explanatory comments and document any assumptions or design decisions.
  • Complexity Analysis

    • Detection: Evaluate the complexity of the code to determine if it exhibits characteristics of AI-generated content, such as overly complex solutions to simple problems.
    • Rectification: Simplify the code by breaking down complex algorithms into smaller, more manageable components. Enhance readability and maintainability without compromising functionality by refactoring the code.

Example of Code Rectification

#Example AI-generated code with syntax issues and logical errors

def calculate_average(numbers):
  sum = 0
  for num in numbers
    sum += num
   average = sum / len(numbers)
  return average

#Rectified code with corrected syntax and logic

def calculate_average_fixed(numbers):
  total_sum = 0
  for num in numbers:
    total_sum += num
  average = total_sum / len(numbers)
  return average

In this example, the AI-generated code contains syntax errors (a missing colon in the for loop) and logical errors (the variable name sum shadows the built-in function sum). The rectified code effectively addresses these issues by correcting the syntax and using a different variable name (total_sum) to avoid conflicts with built-in functions. Additionally, meaningful variable names improve the clarity and maintainability of the code, giving you confidence in the rectification process.