Software Dev and QA Tips

How to Do a Retrospective in Scrum Methodology?

Written by Dapheny Murphy | Sep 26, 2022 4:00:00 PM

Retrospective Meeting: The objective of Retrospective meetings is to gather all the learning after the completion of a sprint so that we can avoid the gaps in the future and improvise as a team. The agenda of the meeting includes the following things:

  • What went well.
  • What needs to be improved.
  • What needs to stop after release/sprint completes.

This meeting is held after each successful completion of a sprint. It helps the team to conclude and understand the progress on the past goals, improvements for the next sprint, and to decide the future goals.

So, it shows that the most common approach to holding this meeting is to Start, Stop and Continue.


How To Do a Retrospective Meeting: Development team members are supposed to collect the information after every sprint about the things that need to start in the next release, that need to stop here, and what to continue with. So it's the responsibility of the scrum master to ask about the various ideas to improve or go around for better achievement in the next sprint from all the attendees.

Below are the basic things that are covered during any scrum retrospective meetings in terms of communication, technical areas, and infrastructure:

  • Focus on setting up the goals of meeting like improving daily scrums to improve communication among team members.
  • Scrum master focuses on collecting information from each of member individually to know everyone's perspective about the sprint.
  • Everyone discussed the things that went well and can be continued in next.
  • Discuss the things that did not go well and need to stop.
  • Discussion over the things that need to be improved and how they can be achieved.
  • Lastly, the meeting is summarized and concluded with everything that was discussed during the meeting.
  • All action items are noted down to work upon.

At the last, it is very important for the business also to accelerate the process of development and meet the deadlines. This also helps agile methodology to speed up the process.