Software Development and QA Tips By QASource Experts

How to Perform a Sanity Load Test in the PT Environment?

Written by QASource Engineering Team | Apr 1, 2024 4:00:00 PM

Performing a sanity load test in a pre-production environment is a focused approach to verifying if an application can handle expected user activities under normal conditions. Here's a simplified, step-by-step guide to conducting such a test effectively:

  • Define Objectives: Start by defining what you aim to achieve. This might include checking if the system runs smoothly under usual conditions, spotting any clear performance drops, or ensuring that recent updates have not introduced new issues.
  • Test Plan Creation: Outline the specific functions and scenarios you plan to test, the anticipated user activity, and the test duration. Your plan should confirm that the application works as expected under a standard load.
  • Test Data Preparation: Gather or create test data that reflects fundamental user interactions as closely as possible. This data is essential for running realistic test scenarios.
  • Test Environment Setup: Prepare a test environment that closely replicates the live setting. This setup should include similar hardware, network configurations, and software versions to ensure accurate results.
  • Load Levels Setting: Decide on the level of user activity to simulate. The goal here is to apply enough pressure to the system to assess its behavior without pushing it to its limits.
  • Load Testing Tools Configuration: Select a load testing tool that suits your needs (Apache JMeter, Gatling, LoadRunner, etc.), and set it up to mimic the expected user behavior against the scenarios outlined in your plan.
  • Execution of Test Scenarios: Run the tests as planned, closely monitoring how the system handles the load. Monitor key performance indicators like response times, error rates, and throughput.
  • Results Analysis: Review the test outcomes to identify performance issues or bottlenecks. Pay attention to any unexpected behavior, such as longer response times or higher error rates than anticipated.
  • System Configuration Adjustment: If you find performance problems, consider making system adjustments like tuning database settings or refining code. Repeat the test as needed to check the impact of these changes.
  • Review, Iterate, and Retest: Share the test results with stakeholders and refine your testing approach based on feedback. Make necessary updates to the test plan or scenarios, and retest to confirm improvements.
  • Final Report: Compile a comprehensive report summarizing the test findings, including any changes and suggestions for further enhancements. Share this report with relevant parties for decision-making.

Example: Testing a Web Application’s Login Module

Imagine a scenario where a web application functions correctly, but a new build has introduced issues in the signup module. In this case, it’s efficient to focus solely on testing the affected area, such as the login module, to ensure it operates as intended without comprehensive testing of the entire application. Follow these steps to test the login functionality:

  • Launch the Application: Open the application to begin testing.
  • Navigate to the Login Page: Go to the section where users log in.
  • Enter Valid Username: Type in a username that exists in the system.
  • Enter Corresponding Password: Provide the password linked to the username.
  • Click the Login Button and submit the login credentials.

The expected outcome is a successful login, indicating the application's core functionality remains intact. If the test fails, it signals the need for immediate fixes. This focused approach helps ensure critical functions like user login remain reliable, even as new changes are applied to the application.