Software Dev and QA Tips

Important Test Cases for Payment Gateway Integration

Written by Ross Jackman | May 1, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Online transactions have become the most preferred method of making payments. In order to provide a flawless experience for carrying out online transactions, a payment gateway is required. To ensure a smooth customer experience and adequate data security of sensitive personal information, it's extremely important to test payment gateways.  

The predominant purpose of testing payment gateways is to make sure transaction encrypts the details of customers and vendors for maintaining proper security. Various aspects that can be covered for testing include encryption, security, connection, and user experience.

Various types of gateway testing include functional testing, integration testing, performance testing, and security testing.

The Set of Test Cases That Can Be Executed for Payment Gateways Are:

  1. Different Payment Methods: Payment gateways should be tested using all possible payment methods like debit cards, credit cards, wallets, and website-specific wallets (if available). Make sure to test that each method provided for payment is selectable and that the user is able to proceed with the selected method smoothly.
  2. Confirmation Message on Successful Payment: Decide on what message needs to be displayed on the screen once the payment has been carried out successfully. 
  3. Error Message on Unsuccessful Payment: Decide what error message to display in case of unsuccessful payments while listing the reason to both merchant and user. 
  4. Email for Successful Payment: Both user and the merchant should get an email message when a successful payment is completed.
  5. The Gateway Returns to the Application After Payment: Check that, upon successful payment, the gateway should take the user back to the application/website.
  6. Information Stored in the Database: Verify that after payment, correct information is stored in the database in the correct format.
  7. Transaction Cancellation: Verify that if the user cancels the payment, then the payment gateway should follow the correct procedure.
  8. Two-factor Authentication: The objective of two-factor authentication methods is to increase reliability in payments and to authorize ethical customers can make transactions.
  9. Merchant Account: A merchant account is an online account that receives temporary payments through an online payment gateway when the purchaser makes any transaction. The amount is stored provisionally on the merchant account till the date of the potential return of the items from the purchaser.
  10. 24*7 Customer Support: Customer support is vital to fix any issues related to payments. Hence, customer support should be tested accurately for the issues like failed payments, amounts debited several times.

These are the fundamental test scenarios for payment gateways. They may vary from platform to platform. 

Payment gateways have become indispensable for businesses to accept online payments. Subsequently, the growth of a business and its susceptibility to cybercriminals follows an analogous trajectory in the present times. Therefore, it is important not to ignore even the minute steps corresponding to the payment gateway testing procedures.