Industry Insights by QASource - New Strategies for QA

Blockchain in Digital Payment, Its Challenges and Role of QA

Written by QASource Engineering Team | Jul 28, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Digital payment, also called electronic payment, represents the transfer of monetary value from one payment account to another using digital channels like smartphones, computers, or point-of-sale (POS) terminals. In recent times, there have been notable developments and trends in digital payments that have reshaped the landscape. Let's explore these updates.

Types of Digital Payments

  • Primary Digital Payment: The entire transaction process is initiated and completed digitally in a primary digital payment. This means that the payer and payee rely solely on digital channels for the payment transaction. Examples include online purchases, mobile wallet transfers, and peer-to-peer digital transfers through apps like PayPal, Venmo or digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Partial Digital Payment: In contrast, partial digital payments involve a blend of digital and physical elements. Both parties use physical cash or cash equivalents via third-party agents to facilitate the digital bank transfer in the backend. This method is common when individuals or businesses want to convert physical cash into digital form or vice versa. Mobile money agents, ATMs, or retail stores often play a role in these transactions.

Recent Developments in Digital Payments

  • Contactless Payments (NFC)
  • Digital Wallets (E-Wallets)
  • Online Payments
  • Mobile Money
  • Biometric Authentication
  • Tokenization and QR Codes
  • Open Banking and APIs
  • Cryptocurrency Payments

Why Should You Choose Digital Modes?

  • Convenience: Digital payments enable you to make transactions from the comfort of your home or on the go.
  • Speed: Digital payments are almost instant.
  • Security: Leading digital payment systems incorporate robust security measures, including encryption and multi-factor authentication, to protect your financial information and transactions.
  • Transparency: Digital payment systems provide detailed transaction records that you can easily track and review.
  • Accessibility: Digital payment methods are accessible 24/7, allowing you to manage your finances anytime, even outside traditional banking hours.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Many digital payment options are cost-efficient, with lower transaction fees than traditional banking services or paper-based transactions.
  • Environmental Impact: By reducing the need for physical checks, paper receipts, and cash, digital payments contribute to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way of conducting financial transactions.
  • Rewards and Loyalty Programs: Many digital payment providers offer rewards, cashback, or loyalty programs, allowing you to earn benefits or discounts on your transactions, further maximizing the value of your spending.

Challenges of Digital Payment

Despite the benefits, there are several challenges posed by digital payment systems. Some are mentioned below:

  • Security Concerns

    • Cybersecurity Threats: Digital payment systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as hacking, phishing, and malware. A breach can result in the theft of sensitive financial information, leading to financial losses and identity theft.
    • Fraudulent Activities: Payment fraud, including card-not-present fraud and account takeover attacks, can occur in digital transactions, affecting consumers and businesses.
  • Privacy Issues

    • Data Privacy: Digital payment providers often collect and store vast amounts of user data. Concerns arise regarding how this data is handled, shared, and protected, leading to privacy breaches and potential misuse of personal information.
  • Regulatory Compliance

    Regulatory Complexity: Digital payment systems operate in a complex regulatory landscape, with varying rules and standards across different regions and countries. Ensuring compliance with these regulations can be challenging for businesses operating globally.

  • Lack of Standardization

    • Fragmented Ecosystem: The digital payment ecosystem includes various providers, technologies, and platforms, leading to fragmentation. This lack of standardization can make interoperability and seamless transactions between different systems difficult.
  • Infrastructure and Connectivity

    • Access to Technology: In some regions, access to the necessary digital infrastructure, including internet connectivity and smartphones, may be limited. This can hinder the adoption of digital payment methods, particularly among underserved populations.
  • Consumer Education

    • Digital Literacy: Many individuals, particularly older generations, may need more digital literacy to use digital payment methods effectively and securely. This knowledge gap can lead to errors, security risks, and resistance to digital payment adoption.
  • Technical Issues

    • Downtime and Outages: Digital payment platforms may experience downtime or technical glitches, causing user inconvenience and disruption.
    • Compatibility: Not all merchants and financial institutions support all digital payment methods, leading to compatibility issues and limiting consumer choices.
  • Transaction Fees

    • Costs: While digital payments are often cost-effective, some payment providers may charge transaction fees, which can add up over time, particularly for businesses processing a high volume of transactions.
  • Dispute Resolution

    • Dispute Handling: Resolving disputes, such as unauthorized transactions or refunds, can be time-consuming and complicated in digital payment.
  • Currency Exchange and Cross-Border Transactions

    • Exchange Rates: Cross-border digital transactions can be subject to currency exchange rates, resulting in additional costs for users.

How Can Blockchain Resolve the Challenges of Digital Payments

Blockchain technology is the talk of the town. It is a distributed ledger that records immutable transactions and tracks assets in a peer-to-peer network. This technology has immense potential to impact different industry verticals positively. Due to its unique properties like a decentralized structure, security, privacy, speed, visibility to all, and immutability, blockchain technology has already made major impacts across several industries like automotive, banking and financial services, healthcare, insurance, and media. One of the critical parts of the business is to keep the data records and transactions intact. Transaction details must be shared with third parties through lawyers or banks, which is time-consuming. Blockchain technology has solved this problem through a distributed, shared ledger, so everyone has updated transaction copies available; everyone is up to date with current transactions.


Blockchain Security

One of the important features of blockchain technology is the security it offers. As we know, a blockchain is a ledger that keeps the records of every transaction in an encrypted form. This encryption adds a layer of security to the blockchain. No central authority or third party is available in the blockchain, so that no one can alter the transaction.


How Cryptographic Hashes Fortify Blockchain Security

Cryptographic hashes play a pivotal role in ensuring the security and integrity of data on the blockchain. Here's how cryptographic hashes secure blockchain:

  • Data Integrity

    Cryptographic hashes take an input (or message) and produce a fixed-size string of characters, typically a hexadecimal number. This output, known as the hash value or digest, is unique to the input data. Even a tiny change in the input data results in a significantly different hash value.

    In a blockchain, each block contains a hash of the previous block's data. If any data within a block is altered, it would change the hash of that block. Consequently, all subsequent blocks' references to the altered block would be invalid. This property ensures that data on the blockchain remains tamper-resistant.

  • Immutability

    Once a block is added to the blockchain, its contents are considered immutable because changing any information within it would require changing the hash of that block. Since each block also includes the previous block's hash, this immutability extends to all subsequent blocks.

    To alter data on a blockchain, an attacker would need to change the targeted block and recalculate the hashes for all subsequent blocks, which is computationally infeasible in a well-established blockchain network.

  • Collision Resistance

    Cryptographic hash functions are designed to be collision-resistant, meaning it is highly improbable for two different inputs to produce the same hash value. This property ensures a minimal chance of multiple pieces of data resulting in identical hash values, reducing the risk of data corruption or unauthorized access.

  • Security against Data Tampering

    Cryptographic hashes are used to secure individual transactions and blocks. They are an essential component of the consensus mechanism that validates and agrees on the order of transactions and the overall state of the blockchain.

    Miners or validators on the network must find a specific value, called a nonce, that, when combined with transaction data, produces a hash value lower than a predefined threshold. This process, known as proof-of-work (PoW) or similar mechanisms like proof-of-stake (PoS), ensures the security and integrity of the blockchain by making it computationally challenging for malicious actors to manipulate the blockchain.

  • Data Privacy

    Cryptographic hashes do not reveal the original data from which they were generated. This property ensures that sensitive transaction details remain private, as only the hash values are stored on the public ledger. This privacy feature is crucial in preserving confidentiality in blockchain systems.

How Blockchain Tackles Digital Payment Challenges

Blockchain technology has the potential to address many of the challenges associated with digital payments. Here's how it can help solve these challenges:

  • Security Enhancement

    • Immutable Ledger: Blockchain's decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger ensures that once a transaction is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted. This feature reduces the risk of fraud and unauthorized changes to transaction data.
    • Cryptographic Encryption: Blockchain employs cryptographic algorithms to secure transactions, making it extremely difficult for malicious actors to intercept or manipulate payment data.
    • Decentralization: By operating on a decentralized network of nodes, blockchain mitigates the risk of a single point of failure or a central authority being compromised.
    • Example: Bitcoin's blockchain has maintained a near-flawless security record since its inception in 2009. It has never been hacked or compromised, showcasing the robustness of blockchain's security measures.
  • Privacy and Data Control

    • User Control: Blockchain can give users more control over their personal and financial data. Users can grant permission for specific parties to access their data, enhancing privacy.
    • Private and Permissioned Blockchains: In certain use cases, private or permissioned blockchains can be implemented, where access to data is restricted to authorized participants, addressing concerns about data exposure.
    • Example: The Sovrin Foundation provides a decentralized identity platform using blockchain. Users can control their digital identities and selectively share personal information without compromising privacy.
  • Transparency and Traceability

    • Immutable Audit Trail: Blockchain's transparent and unchangeable ledger provides a comprehensive audit trail of all transactions. This transparency enhances accountability and makes tracking and verifying payment activities easier.
    • Example: The Ethereum blockchain provides a transparent and traceable ledger for decentralized applications (DApps). You can view all transactions on Etherscan, a popular Ethereum blockchain explorer.
  • Facilitating Transactions

    • Streamlining Transactions with Blockchain: The adoption of digital payment methods continues to surge, and it's worth noting that these transactions typically involve intermediaries. This reliance on intermediaries can introduce complexities and potential delays. However, blockchain technology offers a promising solution by enabling transactions between peers without intermediaries.
    • Example: When you make a digital purchase at a store, besides the buyer and seller, several other entities come into play, such as the buyer's bank, payment gateway, exchange, and the seller's bank.

  • Reducing Fraud

    • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with predefined rules, can automate payment processes. Transactions are only executed if certain conditions are met, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.
    • Example: DeFi platforms like Compound and Aave use smart contracts to facilitate lending and borrowing. These smart contracts automate loan terms, reducing the risk of fraud or manipulation.
  • Cross-Border Transactions

    • Faster Settlements: Blockchain facilitates the near-instant settlement of cross-border transactions, eliminating the delays associated with traditional banking systems and reducing currency conversion costs.
    • Reduced Intermediaries: Blockchain can reduce the number of intermediaries involved in cross-border payments, simplifying the process and potentially lowering transaction fees.
    • Example: Ripple's XRP blockchain is used for cross-border payments. It offers settlement times of just a few seconds, compared to traditional systems that take days.
  • Financial Inclusion

    • Digital Identity: Blockchain-based digital identity solutions can provide individuals without traditional documentation access to financial services, fostering financial inclusion.
    • Micropayments: Blockchain allows for low-cost micropayments, making financial services accessible to those with limited resources.
    • Example: The Stellar blockchain connects financial institutions to facilitate cross-border payments. It has partnered with organizations like IBM to promote financial inclusion.
  • Smart Contracts and Automation

    • Reduced Administrative Costs: Smart contracts automate payment processes, reducing the need for intermediaries and lowering administrative costs for businesses.
    • Trustless Transactions: Smart contracts execute automatically based on predefined rules, reducing the need for trust between parties and minimizing the risk of disputes.
    • Example: IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to automate the tracking of food products in the supply chain. This reduces administrative costs and ensures transparency.
  • Interoperability

    • Blockchain Standards: Efforts are underway to establish blockchain interoperability standards, making it easier for different blockchain networks to communicate and exchange data. This can address the challenge of a fragmented digital payment ecosystem.
    • Example: The Interledger Protocol (ILP) aims to create interoperability between different blockchains. This allows assets to move seamlessly between various blockchain networks.
  • Dispute Resolution

    • Transparency for Disputes: In the event of payment disputes, blockchain's transparent ledger can provide a clear and immutable record of the transaction, simplifying dispute resolution.
    • Example: In a Bitcoin transaction dispute, parties can use blockchain explorers like to verify the transaction's status and confirmations, simplifying dispute resolution.

From these advantages, we can conclude that blockchain technology offers several advantages over traditional payment gateways.

Aspect Blockchain Technology Traditional Payment Gateways
Immutable ledger ensures data integrity and reduces fraud risk.
Relies on centralized systems that may be vulnerable to breaches.
Transactions are transparent and auditable in real-time.
Limited transparency, with delayed transaction records.
Near-instant settlement for cross-border payments.
Near-instant settlement for cross-border payments.
Lower transaction fees due to reduced intermediaries.
Higher fees are associated with banks and payment processors.
Decentralized network minimizes single points of failure.
Centralized systems are more susceptible to downtime.
Privacy and Data Control
Users have more control over their data and can grant permissions.
Limited control over personal data in centralized systems.
Smart Contracts
Automation of payment processes through self-executing contracts.
Relies on manual processing and intermediaries.
Cross-Border Transactions
Simplified and cost-effective cross-border transactions.
Complex processes with multiple intermediaries.
Financial Inclusion
Access to financial services for unbanked and underbanked populations.
Limited accessibility for those without traditional bank accounts.
Trustless Transactions
Reduced the need for trust between parties.
Trust is placed in intermediaries and banks.
Potential for blockchain networks to communicate and share data.
Limited interoperability between various payment gateways.
Dispute Resolution
Transparent and immutable transaction records aid in dispute resolution.
Dispute resolution may involve lengthy processes and intermediaries.

Future Predictions for Solving Digital Payments Issues With Blockchain

Predicting the future of digital payments and how blockchain will continue to solve payment issues is speculative. Still, we can outline some potential trends and developments that may shape the landscape in the coming years:

  • Mainstream Adoption of CBDCs: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are likely to gain wider acceptance. Governments and central banks may roll out their own digital currencies, offering the stability of fiat currencies with the benefits of digital payments. Blockchain technology will underpin the infrastructure for CBDCs, ensuring secure and efficient transactions.
  • Interoperability Standards: Efforts to establish interoperability standards among various blockchain networks will accelerate. This will enable seamless cross-network transactions, making it easier for users to transfer value between different blockchain platforms and address fragmentation.
  • Enhanced Scalability: Blockchain networks will continue to work on scalability solutions. Innovations like sharding, layer-2 scaling solutions (e.g., Lightning Network for Bitcoin and Ethereum 2.0's upgrade), and increased transaction throughput will alleviate congestion and reduce transaction fees.
  • Wider Adoption of Smart Contracts: Smart contracts will expand beyond cryptocurrency. Industries such as insurance, supply chain management, and legal services will increasingly rely on blockchain-based smart contracts to automate processes, reducing costs and improving efficiency.
  • Improved Privacy Solutions: Privacy concerns will drive the development of advanced privacy features on public blockchains. Zero-knowledge proofs, confidential transactions, and privacy-focused cryptocurrencies will enhance the confidentiality of transactions while maintaining transparency.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Evolution: DeFi will continue to grow, offering a broader range of financial services such as lending, borrowing, and derivatives trading. DeFi platforms will strive to provide a more user-friendly experience while addressing security and regulatory challenges.
  • Cross-Border Payments Simplification: Blockchain technology will further simplify cross-border payments, reducing fees and transaction times. International money transfers may become as straightforward as sending an email, benefiting businesses and individuals alike.
  • Regulatory Frameworks: Governments will establish clearer regulatory frameworks for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, fostering innovation while ensuring consumer protection and financial stability. Regulatory clarity will encourage more institutions to enter the space.
  • Integration with IoT and AI: Blockchain will integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Smart devices and AI algorithms will facilitate automated payments, supply chain tracking, and data monetization on blockchain networks.
  • Financial Inclusion: Blockchain-based solutions will continue to expand access to financial services for underserved populations, offering opportunities for the unbanked to participate in the global economy.


Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize digital payments by addressing security, privacy, and transparency challenges. Its decentralized ledger enhances security, while smart contracts streamline processes and promote financial inclusion. Anticipated trends, including CBDC adoption and improved scalability, promise a future where digital payments are more efficient, secure, and accessible. In this transformative journey, blockchain holds boundless potential to reshape the financial landscape.


Case Study

  • About Client

    Our client focuses on blockchain technology with a revolutionary cryptocurrency application.

    They offer a cutting-edge cryptocurrency application that primarily provides users with a versatile cryptocurrency wallet application. This feature empowers users to store, manage, and transact securely with their digital assets.

    Furthermore, their platform enables users to engage in decentralized finance (DeFi) operations. DeFi means users can trade, transfer, and earn from their crypto assets without relying on traditional financial intermediaries like banks. Apart from all these, using these platforms, users can access real-time updates and insights on the cryptocurrency market, ensuring informed decision-making.

  • Requirements of Client

    As our esteemed client's application is in its initial stage of development, they have entrusted us with the pivotal responsibility of initiating comprehensive functional testing from the ground up. The client has outlined key requirements for our QA team:

    • Crafting test cases that evaluate the features' functionality and user interface aspects while vigilantly managing and updating these cases.
    • Examine transactions within the application to validate their accuracy and confirm that they are seamlessly recorded on the live blockchain, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain ledger.
    • Perform thorough testing of the live market data feed to ensure users receive timely and precise updates about cryptocurrency prices and market trends, ensuring they stay well-informed.
    • Assess the compatibility of the application's security measures across diverse platforms, such as iOS and Android, to guarantee a secure user experience.
    • Ensure users receive the correct transaction calculations, including transaction fees based on speed and using live market rates.
    • Test the creation and recovery processes of cryptocurrency wallets under diverse scenarios and across multiple platforms.
    • Ensure users can seamlessly execute DeFi operations, such as investing and lending cryptocurrencies, through the innovative Yield Farming feature.
  • Solutions

    • Create a comprehensive set of test cases covering various transaction scenarios, executed manually with the transaction history feature, to ensure accurate transaction confirmation and timely error handling.
    • Utilize the application's transaction history feature to access and monitor real-time transactions, cross-referencing them with actual blockchain data.
    • Ensure real-time data updates, such as cryptocurrency prices and transactions, by comparing displayed data within the application with reliable external sources provided by the client.
    • Test the accuracy and reliability of security functionality to secure wallets on supported devices to ensure accurate user recognition.
    • Simulate real-world user scenarios, including different transaction speeds, to verify the application provides accurate and timely fee estimations for each scenario, even in challenging situations.
    • Simulate scenarios where users lose access to their wallets, such as device loss or forgotten credentials, to test wallet recovery under realistic conditions and assess the robustness of security measures.
    • Create and execute test scenarios that simulate various market conditions, including volatile price fluctuations and sudden liquidity pool changes and test the compatibility of different cryptocurrencies and tokens within liquidity pools to ensure seamless integration.
    • Provide wide testing coverage of devices for both platforms using device farms.
    • Understand the various conditions of transaction failure, create and execute scenarios for the same.
  • Results we received

    • Transactions were meticulously confirmed and accurately rеflеctеd in thе application's transaction history, ensuring an unblemished record of financial activities.
    • Our fее еstimatеs align flawlessly with actual fееs on thе Ethеrеum nеtwork, preventing usеrs from ovеrpaying or еncountеring unеxpеctеd costs.
    • Wе'vе taken measures to comply with thе EIP-1559 fее modеl, guarantееing that usеrs rеcеivе precise еstimatеs basеd on thе nеw fее structurе.
    • Sеcurе wallеt backup and rеcovеry mеchanisms еnsurе usеr data accеssibility.
    • Rеal-timе data, including cryptocurrеncy pricеs and transaction updatеs, arе consistently accuratе, giving usеrs confidеncе in thеir dеcisions.
    • Security functions are reliability and security on support dеvicеs and platforms.
    • Notifications deliver accuratе information promptly, еnhancing usеr trust
    • Usеr-friеndly interfaces and clеar guidancе еnhancе thе overall usеr еxpеriеncе.