Software Dev and QA Tips

How Does API Integration Testing Work with Postman?

Written by Ross Jackman | Feb 13, 2023 5:00:00 PM

In layman’s terms, Postman is a computer application used for API testing. Postman works by sending an API request to web server and receives response for the sent request. No redundant work or setting up of framework is needed while transferring and entering requests in Postman. It is considerably used by Testers and software developers for better testing of operations.

Why Use Postman For API Integration Testing?

Postman is a user-friendly testing tool that allows you to transfer API requests in the shortest way. To begin with, users will see a number of buttons that are designed for easy navigation.

You can click the New button to bring a new request or collection. When on the new screen, HTTP Requests analogous to POST, GET, DELETE, etc. are listed and can be opted as per need. Next to that is the request URL, where you're awaited to enter the endpoint URL. At the end of the line is the 'Send' button, which upon clicking will send the request to the intended URL and admit the response.

But, Postman has a number of other features that are used for better testing. Depending on the demand, heads with content types such as JSON can be set. The body allows the tester to customize the details. It can test multiple scenarios and compare specific fields to the expected results.

Automating API Testing can be divided into four fundamental ways, starting with Manual Testing of the APIs, understanding the API’s response entered, predicated on the former two-way write in a test case, and ultimately running it in endpoints.

Principally, test suites are written or created as per API needs These test scripts are written in JavaScript and can be executed before the request is made and after a response is entered to the request made.

Now finally postman sends the request and shows the test result for API. Software testing companies can provide all API performance, functionality, and security features in place. And, Postman is highly preferred for API testing. API testing run-through: test functionality, test performance, test exceptions, test reliability, and test changes.

Importance of Automated API Testing

Each software needs to go through a testing phase to work effectively and as expected. As API is the main and foremost part of the system, it becomes essential to test these APIs including every possible endpoint. Therefore, the implementation of Automation in API testing guarantees every endpoint is tested effectively and all the potential bugs are encountered. Automation comes in handy when repetitive testing is needed for a single module, allowing users to reuse the test suite again.