How to Configure Cypress Tests To Run On Multiple Environments?

Timothy Joseph | August 7, 2023

How to Configure Cypress Tests To Run On Multiple Environments?

To start with cypress automation, users will need the following prerequisites:

Download and Install NodeJS

Download and install Visual Studio Code

Here are the steps you can follow to do the setup for running the automation on different environments:

  • Step 1: Navigate to The cypress.json File Located in Your Project Folder
  • Step 2: Open the cypress.json File and Add The Cypress baseUrl
  • Step 3: Access baseURL in Your Spec
  • Step 4: Use Cypress Command Line (aka Cypress CLI) to Pass baseUrl Dynamically

Now we can run the automation using the below command on different environments:

npx cypress run --config baseUrl="url_of_application[it can be qa, staging, int, production or any other env url]"


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