How To Do Performance Testing Using JMeter?

Ross Jackman | May 29, 2023

How To Do Performance Testing Using Jmeter?

JMeter is one of the most common performance testing tools, which is used for analyzing and measuring the performance of different software services and their related products. It is purely an open-source software used for testing web applications. Below are some pointers to understand how JMeter works in performance testing:

  • JMeter contains a comprehensive GUI which helps to create the test plans and configure the elements. Adding an element is easy in JMeter, just right click on the tree scenario and add the required action.
  • JMeter support scripting, however it is not necessary as user can run the complete load test without knowing a bit of the code.
  • JMeter stores the test plan in XML/HTML format which means user can generate a test plan using a simple text editor.
  • JMeter is designed for performance testing and it also support other non-functional test such as Stress testing, Distributed testing, Web Service testing, by creating the test plans.
  • JMeter provides support for protocols such as HTTPS, SMTP, SOAP and FTP. Due to large user base of JMeter, there is also an active open-source community.
  • Because of its robust documentation, users can clearly understand every process from beginning to end, including installation, setup of the test parameters, and creation of the final report.
  • JMeter also allows users to record HTTP or HTTPS to create the test plan using the recording facility. In addition to it, users can also use a proxy server that allows JMeter to watch and record the actions while browsing the web applications with a normal browser.
  • JMeter allows the creation of dashboard reports as well, and a variety of reports can be produced using JMeter enabling users to comprehend the results of performance test execution.


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