How to Find Requirements Not Linked to Test Cases Using the qTest API

QASource Engineering Team | August 5, 2024

How to Find Requirements Not Linked to Test Cases Using the qTest API

Managing requirements effectively is crucial for successful project delivery. Ensuring that every requirement is linked to test cases helps maintain traceability and verify that all functionalities are tested. However, manually checking for unlinked requirements can be time-consuming and error-prone. By using the qTest API, you can automate the process to quickly identify all requirements that are not linked to any test cases.

Steps to Identify Unlinked Requirements in qTest

To get all requirements in qTest that are not linked to any test cases using the API, follow these steps:


  1. API Token: Ensure you have a valid API token for authentication.
  2. Project ID: Identify the project ID you want to query.


  1. Authenticate: Use your API token to authenticate with the qTest API.
  2. Retrieve Requirements from Your Source: Extract the actual requirements from your source (e.g., a requirements document, a database, or another requirements management tool) or qTest > Projects > Project Requirements.
  3. Fetch Requirements from qTest: Use the qTest API to fetch the requirements linked to qTest. This involves authenticating with the qTest API and making the necessary API calls to retrieve the data.
  4. Fetch Test Case Links: Fetch all links between requirements and test cases.
  5. Compare Requirements: Identify the differences between the requirements and those in qTest.
  6. Generate a Report of Differences: Generate a report of differences and list the requirements not linked in qTest.

To do this

  • Write a Python script that includes functions to:
    • Fetch all requirements.
    • Fetch all required links.
    • Filter and print the requirements that are not linked to any test cases.


By following these tips, you can automate the process of identifying requirements in qTest that are not linked to any test cases. This not only saves time but also ensures that all requirements are properly tested, thereby improving the overall quality and reliability of your project. Use the outlined steps to streamline your workflow and maintain effective traceability between requirements and test cases in qTest.


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