How To Generate Reports Using Zephyr in Jira?

Timothy Joseph | September 6, 2021
How To Generate Reports Using Zephyr in Jira?

There can be multiple ways to generate reports using Zephyr with the Jira add-on, but it’s easy to use the built-in features for reporting which are labeled Test Summary, Test Metrics, and Traceability Matrix. All of the features present actionable test information in an easy-to-understand presentation.

The following are the summary and sample snapshots for these reporting options:


Test Summary

This tab illustrates the number tests induced in a project, the percent that have executed and the amount that still need to be completed. 

Test Summary

Test Creation: 30 Days Summary

Test Creation: 30 Day Summary

Test Execution: 30 Days Summary

Test Execution: 30 Day Summary


Test Metrics

It has multiple features that show summarized information of test executions. Daily Test Execution Progress shows execution details by date. Test executions By Test Cycle and Tester show test result summary based on test cycle and tester.

Test Metrics

Test Execution by Test Cycle:

Test Executions by Test Cycle

Test Execution by QA Engineer:

Test Executions by Tester


Traceability Matrix:

This is very helpful in tracking requirement coverage in your project as it will list down what requirements are covered in what tests and further what tests upon execution uncovered defects.

Traceability Matrix

Do you want to streamline your test automation reporting? QASource can help. Get in touch with an expert today and learn how we can augment your QA resources. 


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