How to Handle Dropdown in Cypress

How To Handle Dropdown in Cypress

Cypress equips you with the versatile .select() method, enabling you to interact with dropdowns created using the <select> and <option> tags. This method allows you to select options by their value, visible text, or index, giving you the power to handle any drop-down scenario.


Suppose you have the following HTML:

<select id="dropdown">
  <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="option2">Option 2</option>
  <option value="option3">Option 3</option>

Steps to Handle

  • Identify the select element using cy.get()
  • Use the .select() command to choose an option by its value, visible text, or index
  • Optionally, verify the selected option

Cypress Test Examples

Here are some examples of how to select an option in Cypress using its value, visible text, or index:

Select an Option by Value

describe('Handling HTML Select Dropdown', () => {
	  it('should select an option by its value', () => {

		// Select an option by its value

		// Verify the selected value
		cy.get('#dropdown').should('have.value', 'option1');

Select an Option by Visible Text

describe('Handling HTML Select Dropdown', () => {
	  it('should select an option by its visible text', () => {

		// Select an option by its visible text
		cy.get('#dropdown').select('Option 2');

		// Verify the selected value
		cy.get('#dropdown').should('have.value', 'option2');

Select an Option by Index

describe('Handling HTML Select Dropdown', () => {
	  it('should select an option by its index', () => {

		// Select an option by its index (0-based)

		// Verify the selected value
		cy.get('#dropdown').should('have.value', 'option3');


  • Identify the Select Element: Use cy.get('#dropdown') to locate the dropdown element. The # symbol targets an element by its id attribute.
  • Select an Option: Use .select('value'), .select('Visible Text'), or .select(index).
  • Verify the Selection: Use .should('have.value', 'expectedValue') to ensure the correct option is selected.

This approach allows you to handle and test select dropdowns in your Cypress tests effectively.


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