How To Perform API Testing in Selenium WebDriver Using Eclipse?

Timothy Joseph | October 4, 2021

How To Perform API Testing in Selenium WebDriver Using Eclipse?The following are the steps to integrate API testing in Eclipse:

  1. Create a simple Maven project in Eclipse
  2. Find the latest stable version of dependencies required
  3. Add the above-mentioned dependency in pom.xml of the project
  4. Create a new package and a new class
  5. Add TestNG library to the project
  6. Write the code

Selenium WebDriver is an open-source API that allows programmatic interaction with a browser on an operating system. All Selenium WebDriver jar files are available in the form of APIs. There are 13 sets of APIs used in Selenium like Navigation Commands, Resizing Windows, Deleting Cookies, Closing the Browser, and different Get Methods.

With the help of these APIs, tests can be automated to extract results and enhance the overall scope of testing. For more information and assistance, schedule a call with our team of experienced QA engineers today.


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