How To Test a Desktop Application on Windows?

Timothy Joseph | January 17, 2022

How To Test a Desktop Application on Windows?

Desktop application user interface could be tested in many ways:

  1. Manual Testing: This is where testers test the graphical screen as per business requirements and their understanding of the application.
  2. Record and Play: This is achieved using automation tools and their Record and Replay actions. Test steps are captured in the automation tool during Record and recorded steps are then executed on the application under test during Playback.
  3. Model-Based Testing: Model-Based Testing is performed as per the system’s behavior. It could be event, state, or domain-based testing.

Below tools can be used to perform Desktop Application Testing:

  1. Katalon Studio
  2. Rapise
  3. TestComplete
  4. iMacros
  5. Selenium


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