How To Write a Test Strategy Document for Test Automation?

Timothy Joseph | September 12, 2022

How To Write a Test Strategy Document for Test Automation?

Test strategies can be varied as per the project's requirement, and scope of testing and these strategies can be specified at the initial stage of test automation.

From the automation perspective, testing can be categorized as smoke, sanity, regression, and feature-specific. Other important factors include the team size selection of accurate tools & technologies and other technical requirements.

Factors that need to be taken care of include the users of the product, the business team, developers and matrices related to the market value of the application. The strategy should be stable enough to avoid the changes at later stages.

The following steps can be considered as a strategy plan for test automation:

  • Define the test scenarios, business needs, and investments
  • Consideration of all risk factors
  • Finalization of tools-technologies and hardware/software requirements
  • Input & test data
  • System configurations and setup
  • Setting up test environments
  • Team collaboration[Developers, Testers, DevOps team]
  • Defining processes such as Agile/Scrum methodologies
  • Other resources or processes as per requirement


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