How You Can View All Epics in Jira?

Dapheny Murphy | August 29, 2022

How You Can View All Epics in Jira?

Usually, any big project will comprise many subprojects that directly don’t cross over each other. However, they do influence or impact the overall project. So, one has to keep track of all the subprojects, underlying tasks, and subtasks comprehensively. So, Epics in Jira helps plan and track those smoothly.

Jira is a software application developed by Atlassian, an Australian company that is used widely by software testing companies to track bugs, stories, epics, and other tasks.

Any “Epic” is basically a higher-level user story that represents some functionality that can be further broken down into small stories that have been gathered together because of some similarity.

To use Epics in Jira, we need the following information:

  • Epic Name: It is a short identifier for epic, used as a label for the issues.
  • Epic Summary: It's observed whenever Jira will be displaying the epic.

When you need a lot of work to be delivered over several sprints or over a long period of time, you can create an epic when you notice a pattern among several user stories, and want to bundle them into one group.

Initiatives are typically collections of epics, but you can also use custom fields or labels to categorize by the team, strategic pillar, or time frame, and create a custom hierarchy to better align work to higher-level organizational goals.


Follow the below steps for Viewing your Epics:

  1. Epics Panel: Go to the Backlog OR Road-map and open the Epics Panel to view and manage your epics.
  2. List of epics: The Epics Panel displays a list of all epics in your project.
  3. View issues in epic: Click an epic's name to view all the issues belonging to that epic, across all sprints.

You can also view an epic's details, like start date, due date, and child issues by selecting the epic in the road map or Backlog.

Epics in Jira


Plan and Track Epics in Jira

With the help of the Jira backlog, one can easily view all the resolutions, assignees, or high-level story point presentation pointers.

Plan and Track Epics in Jira

In addition, we can perform the following:

  1. View the progress of the epic right on the epic issue screen in Jira.

    Epic Issue Screen in Jira

  2. Track Jira Epics with Activity Timeline.

    Track Jira Epics with Activity Timeline


Activity Timeline can be tracked both based on Individual and team-level activities performed.

Individual epic Tracking → Direct clicking on the left panel, individual users' task progress can be tracked.

Team timeline for epic tracking → Just click on the hierarchy icon. This dialog will showcase all tasks with resolution status, tasks estimate, and total epic estimate, and it’s easy to understand whether the task is scheduled or not.

Activity Timeline

With Activity Timeline Managers, the time spent on the specific epic can be tracked with the help of the timesheet section.


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