What Framework Is Suitable for Mobile Automation?

Ross Jackman | June 12, 2023

What Framework Is Suitable for Mobile Automation?

Today's QA Testing Industry has advanced not only in Web Testing but in Mobile Testing as well. Below is a list of mobile automation frameworks widely available and most commonly used are as follows:

  • Appium: Most commonly used mobile automation framework in any professional QA organization. Appium allows the user to test native & hybrid applications with customizable inbuilt methods. It supports automation on simulators, emulators, and physical devices. It supports languages like Java, PHP, C#, and Python.
  • Calabash: This framework allows you to automate your test scripts for iOS and Android apps. This automatically interacts with the UI of your application such as by pressing buttons and texts.
  • XCUITest: It is designed specifically for iOS testing & was created by Apple in 2015. This provides a cloud-based platform that is pre-installed and integrated with the required software. This framework allows you to create test scripts in Swift & Object-C languages.
  • EarlGrey: This framework provides a synchronization feature that will start compilation only when the application is in a steady state. EarlGrey framework focuses on 03 major components:
    • Matchers: Helps to create locators
    • Actions: Create reusable libraries
    • Assertions: Checkpoints
  • Selendroid: This has the capability to work on multiple android devices at the same time. It also allows you to change the hardware devices during testing without restarting or stopping the test. It has inbuilt tools to create locators.
  • Espresso: Developed by Google and is one of the simplest yet most powerful automation tools. It allows testing both Hybrid & Native apps. The important components of this framework are Espresso which is an entry point, ViewMatchers, ViewActions, and ViewAssertions
  • Robotium: This tool is used specifically for Android Testing. It allows users to create GUI test scripts for android applications. Users can do acceptance testing and can create functional and System test scenarios.


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