What is Lambda Testing, and How to Test Lambda Function?

Ross Jackman | April 17, 2023

What is Lambda Testing, and How to Test Lambda Function?

A lot of web developers have encountered situations in which their websites or web applications functioned as intended in "only" a few browsers (or browser versions). The magic wand known as cross-browser testing can guarantee that your app or website will function properly on a variety of browsers, platforms, and device combinations.

Cross Browser Testing: What Is It?

A type of functional testing known as cross-browser testing is used to ensure that your website or web application functions consistently across various browsers and operating systems. Have you seen that the site doesn't work as expected in the browser you are utilizing? This may result in negative media coverage for your product.

Because of this, you will need to manually test your website on each combination of browsers and operating systems. However, it cannot be used for large projects because it is not scalable. LambdaTest, a cloud-based Selenium Grid platform that is dependable, scalable, and secure, has proven to be the solution in this case.


Why Perform Cross-Browser Testing with LambdaTest?

Let's look at an example to understand this.

For Cross Browser Testing, we use the internal Selenium Grid configuration for a few "small" projects within our organization. Features of the product in comparison to a "select" group of browsers and platforms. However, many end users accessed our website using browsers like Internet Explorer (IE).

We later came to the conclusion that because it requires ongoing maintenance, it is not possible to extend an internal Selenium grid configuration. Additionally, because it required a significant investment, we were unable to test our web product with "N" devices, also known as device emulators. It turned out to be a costly event. However, once we discovered cloud-based Selenium Grid platforms like LambdaTest, we discovered that migrating your on-premises Selenium Grid test implementation to the cloud requires little effort.


Major Features Of LambdaTest

  • LambdaTest's most important features allow for automated cross-browser testing on more than 2,000 real browsers, platforms, and device emulators.
  • A cloud-based Selenium Grid that is scalable, dependable, and secure is used for testing. Migrating local Selenium Grid tests to LambdaTest's cloud-based Selenium Grid requires little effort.
  • Supports automation testing with the most recent Selenium framework version, Selenium 4.
  • Automation tests in LambdaTest can run simultaneously on a variety of browser and platform combinations, which helps reduce testing effort.
  • The pricing plan for LambdaTest determines the level of concurrency. Lambda Tunnel, an SSH-based integration tunnel, can be used to test pages hosted locally.
  • It lets you see how responsive a website or web app is across a variety of iOS and Android devices and viewport sizes.
  • Cross-browser visual testing on a variety of devices and operating systems is possible with this tool. The platform automatically generates full-page screenshots of web pages during testing cycles, making them useful for visual testing.
  • You can check your website's responsiveness on all major devices and viewports with LT Browser. You can use LT Browser's DevTools to debug, test your website on a new device with custom views, take screenshots, test web pages behind a login, and test web pages.
  • Integrates with popular project management and bug-tracking tools like Jira, Asana, and Github, among others.

Automated Cross-Browser Testing With LambdaTest

When migrating tests from a local Selenium grid to a cloud-based Selenium grid, an engineer who works with the Selenium framework on a daily basis would always be concerned about the severity of the changes. When evaluating Selenium test acceleration tools, automation engineers face the same concerns. LambdaTest solves this issue by requiring only "infrastructure changes" to be made to the source code. LambdaTest's concurrency calculator is a great place to start when trying to figure out how many parallel sessions are required to get the "best" test coverage.


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