What Is Pytest and How It Can Be Used for Unit Testing in Python?

QASource Engineering Team | November 13, 2023

What Is Pytest and How It Can Be Used for Unit Testing in Python?

PyTest stands out as a highly favored Python testing framework, which offers a straightforward and adaptable approach to work with Rest API tests. This framework not only facilitates unit testing but also supports a variety of other unit testing libraries within the Python ecosystem, with the built-in library "unit test" being just one example.

Thanks to its robust feature set, PyTest has garnered widespread recognition as one of the most extensively employed unit testing libraries. Leveraging this open-source framework empowers developers to construct uncomplicated test suites encompassing unit, functional, and API testing.

There are several compelling reasons to opt for the PyTest framework for unit testing:

  • Accessibility for learning.
  • Test filtering capabilities.
  • Parameterization support.

To initiate working with the Pytest library, you can simply execute the following command in your terminal:

php install -U pytest


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