What Is the Difference Between BVA and Robustness Testing?

Timothy Joseph | April 5, 2021

What Is the Difference Between BVA and Robustness Testing?

BVA: Stands for Boundary Value Analysis and is a black box testing technique. This technique is used to find the errors at boundaries rather than finding them at the center of the system. Boundary Value Analysis is generally used as Stress and Negative Testing techniques.


The following are the use cases for validating an input box which accepts numbers between 1 and 100:

  1. Provide values exactly at boundaries of input domain i.e. values 1 and 100.
  2. Provide values just below the extreme edges of input domain i.e. values 0 and 99.
  3. Provide values just above the extreme edges of the input domain i.e. values 2 and 101.

Robustness Testing: This process checks the quality of the software product and verifies whether the software can perform well under stressed conditions. In this process, testers provide invalid inputs which may cause the program to crash to determine if the program can handle such inputs.

The main goal of robustness testing is to identify issues like design errors or programming faults in the system which can eventually lead to incorrect operations.


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