Why Is Appium the Best Automation Testing Tool for Mobile App Testing?

Timothy Joseph | March 8, 2021

Why Is Appium the Best Automation Testing Tool for Mobile Application Testing?

Appium is most widely used and still the number one choice when automating mobile application test cases. A few of the main reasons Appium continues to be at the top of the list are:

  • One of the biggest advantage of using Appium is that it is open source and no additional budget is required for the purchase.
  • Appium uses standard APIs so you can create test for iOS and Android with the same API.
  • Appium has a vert vast support community and its own support and Git page.
  • Appium supports the same set of languages supported by Selenium WebDriver. You can extend your web framework technology stack to your mobile framework.
  • Appium supports automation of Web, Native, and Hybrid mobile apps and also gives option to test on emulator, simulator, and real devices.
  • Appium is compatible with any testing framework.
  • Can be integrated with cloud based device services like SauceLabs, BrowserStack, and Amazon Device Farm.


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