How To Perform Automated Web UI Testing?

Timothy Joseph | May 9, 2022

How To Perform Automated Web UI Testing?

Web UI automation testing enables you to verify and validate the UI components of various web-based applications.

Below are a few tools that can be used for any professional automation framework:

  1. Selenium
  2. Cypress
  3. TestComplete
  4. AutoIT
  5. Katalon Studio
  6. NUnit
  7. RanoRex
  8. BrowserStack

Additionally, below are the best practices to consider while automating a web application:

  1. Select right tool as per business requirement
  2. Availability of smoke test & regression test suites
  3. Select correct framework model
  4. Use dynamic waits
  5. Use proper naming conventions
  6. Follow extensive logging & reporting protocols
  7. Implement proper checkpoints/assertions
  8. Test cases should be independent

Challenges faced with automated web UI testing:

  1. Handling Captcha's/OTPs in application
  2. OS level alerts
  3. False Positive & Negative Results
  4. Synchronizing Events
  5. ROI


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