What Is the Difference Between Writing Regression Test Cases and Sanity Test Cases for Sign up of Any Website?

Timothy Joseph | November 16, 2020

What Is the Difference Between Writing Regression Test Cases and Sanity Test Cases for Sign up of Any Website?

Every software testing services company have a process in place where they document test cases before testing new features. There are basically 3 types of testing which should be performed for new features:

  1. Smoke testing
  2. Sanity testing
  3. Regression testing

When QA is short of time to execute all the test cases, they do a high level validation by executing Smoke and Sanity test cases.

Following are some examples of Sanity test cases for a Sign Up features:

  1. Sign Up feature should be available on Login page.
  2. User should be directed to a Sign Up form by clicking the Sign Up link
  3. Users should be able to submit the Sign Up form's required details.
  4. Users should receive a successful Sign Up email.
  5. User should be able to activate his account by clicking on the link available in Sign Up emails.
  6. Users should be able to login after activation of account.

Following would be regression test cases for Sign Up features:

  1. Users should be able to Sign Up on all the compatible browsers.
  2. Appropriate error messages should be displayed if the user uses any cross-site scripting on Sign Up form.
  3. Appropriate error messages should be displayed in case user is already signed up with same email or mobile number.
  4. Appropriate error messages should be displayed if user does not fill any mandatory field in Sign Up form.
  5. Users should not be able to login if their account is not activated.
  6. Appropriate error messages should be displayed if a user enters wrong data or characters more than the permissible limit in Sign Up form fields.


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