Here we will explain how AngularJS helps make responsive webpages and at the same time, what challenges QA engineer face while automating the same and how we can overcome these challenges.
Automation of Angular Apps
In continuation to our post on ‘JavaScript Automation Frameworks’ where we discussed an emerging tool MOCHA, we bring another exciting option for you - ngWebDriver. Therefore, if you are struggling with the automation of Angular based applications with traditional automation setup, this could be a very good option to checkout.
In this post, we will discuss AngularJS architecture, challenges a QA engineer can face while automating the same, and how to overcome these challenges.
AngularJS is a JavaScript based open-source framework which follows Model-View-Controller architecture. It is one of the most popular web framework available today. This framework is used for developing mostly Single-page applications (SPA).
Important Features of AngularJS

Package Download Statistics
There are many modern scripting frameworks in the market. The following are the framework trends according to GitHub:
Comparing UI Framework Trends

Automation Challenges with AngularJS Applications
Technologies for AngularJS App Automation

Tool Evaluated

- ngWebDriver is a tool with the ability to automate web applications built using AngularJS
- It is a library built in Java and works with Angular versions greater than 1.x
- It provides required classes for AngularJS tags and can be integrated into any existing Java framework
Why is ngWebDriver Recommended?
While tools like Protractor can also automate the AngularJS application, you need to switch to separate technology altogether. Hence, if you already have built a Java based automation framework, then using ngWebDriver will just extend your existing framework without switching to a new technology.
Benefits of ngWebDriver in Automation of AngularJS based Application:
- Easy integration with existing Java-based Selenium framework
- Has inbuilt support for Angular tags like ng-app, ng-model, ng-bind, etc.
- Handles synchronization issues of Angular web elements
- Supports Chrome, Safari, IE, Opera, and Firefox browsers
- Allows result presentation in HTML and customized formats

While JavaScript frameworks have been a great leap in web development, ngWebDriver’s ability to utilize the existing frameworks makes it a good alternative to Protector for the automation of AngularJS applications.
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