Using a QA Partner to Implement Automation Testing

QASource | March 16, 2016

Using a QA Partner to Implement Automation Testing

Automation testing is ubiquitous in today’s market thanks to improved tools and methodologies. But it takes expertise to implement, execute and maintain automation over time. Many companies continue to shy away from automating because their team lacks experience or the necessary training is too costly. Hiring a QA partner to implement is the perfect solution: you’ll get the thorough test coverage you need while keeping resources lean and improving team productivity.

 So, what’s the implementation process look like with assistance from a QA partner? Let’s find out:

First, you identify project requirements

Stakeholders, the development team and your new automation team conduct a kickoff meeting to discuss all critical requirements for your project:

  • Technology used for development
  • Specific product & domain knowledge
  • Product architecture
  • Automation tool preference

After the meeting, your developers should deliver test cases to the automation team to help them establish focus areas.


Second, your team outlines a strategy and suggests tools

The automation team outlines a complete strategy, including how they will create the test cases, the testing interface and all of the necessary test data. Based on your preferences and their knowledge, the engineers will suggest several tool options. Learn how to narrow down your list of automation tool choices.


Third, they build a framework and create scripts

Your automation team builds the necessary framework for automating the test cases. They then identify all of the elements, create the necessary input/output data and document the scripts. The scripts are executed in batch to ensure that there are no failures related to synchronization.


Fourth, they provide a demo and full reporting

The team presents the final framework, automated tests and complete reports. To ensure that your developers or onsite QA team can execute the tests in the future, the automation team can provide training and documentation.

Throughout the entire process, teams provide structured communication with onsite members, weekly/monthly status reports and impromptu meetings to discuss critical issues or requirement changes.


Ready to learn more?

This is just one of five ways that product companies are leveraging the expertise and flexibility of an outsourced QA team. Find out if a dedicated QA partner is the solution to your software testing problem in our free whitepaper, “5 Genius Ways Product Companies are Using a QA Partner”. Click below for instant access!


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