The 5 Biggest Pain Points of Finance Domain Testing

The 5 Biggest Pain Points of Finance Domain Testing

Publish Date: February 20, 2019

The IT industry is always in flux—reshaping and reinventing itself as technology becomes faster, more powerful, and more intuitive. Because progress doesn’t slow for anyone, product companies and their engineering teams need to be quick to respond; to match the tempo of the IT world. As money movement and global commerce becomes increasingly digital, finance product companies have become adept at keeping pace with the IT landscape.

The 4 Biggest Pain Points of Legal Domain Testing

The 4 Biggest Pain Points of Legal Domain Testing

Publish Date: January 23, 2019

Every product deserves high-quality testing. It’s the best way to ensure that your developers stay motivated, stakeholders stay happy, and customers stay loyal to your application-whatever it may be. But when it comes to certain software areas, your testers need to be even more vigilant than usual. Think legal, healthcare, and finance software, where highly sensitive user data is stored and transferred. Because the consequences of a bug or security vulnerability are so serious, QA teams need to be on their A-game. And if they’re not, things could go very wrong.

DevOps, QA, and IT: The Overlap That Fuels Agile Teams

DevOps, QA, and IT: The Overlap That Fuels Agile Teams

Publish Date: September 19, 2018

What’s at the intersection of development, QA, and IT operations? DevOps! When we say DevOps, we’re describing the Agile relationship between your dev organization (including QA) and your IT team. DevOps is transforming the software development lifecycle, enabling teams to work faster and in closer collaboration. This relationship was borne out of a need for increased development and testing speed and high-quality products that delight customers and contribute to the rapid growth of the businesses that build them.

Software Testing for the Security Domain: A Case Study

Software Testing for the Security Domain: A Case Study

Publish Date: July 11, 2018

Is QA testing necessary for security software? Software QA is absolutely necessary. We are constantly hearing about data breaches occurring seemingly every day, so products and software that can ensure users' safety are in high demand. This surge in demand for security software increases the pressure security product organizations feel as they release new software. Read on to discover how a security company learned that in order to guarantee the safety of users, cybersecurity companies should invest in a QA partner.

How to Integrate Regression Testing into Your QA Services

How to Integrate Regression Testing into Your QA Services

Publish Date: June 27, 2018

Any time a feature is added or improved, an application’s code is in danger. There’s no escaping it, unfortunately: Any time a developer touches an existing piece of code, s/he introduces the possibility of breakage and new defects. This is especially true, and most common, in the areas where new code meets old.

Looking Ahead: Facial Recognition Technology and QA Services

Looking Ahead: Facial Recognition Technology and QA Services

Publish Date: June 13, 2018

The world of data security is changing rapidly - so rapidly that it can be hard to keep track of all the authentication methods that see wide usage and adoption from product companies. Currently, there are three main categories for security solutions. First, what we know: Your standard alphanumeric passwords and security questions. Second, what we carry: Hand-held items like key cards and ID badges. And third, what we are: Unique bodily identifiers that are nearly impossible to replicate. We’re all familiar with choosing super-strong passwords and clipping an ID badge on our belt loop before leaving the house. But in general, biometric authentication is still a relatively new category in the security space.

Biometrics and QA Services: Changing the Security Landscape

Biometrics and QA Services: Changing the Security Landscape

Publish Date: May 23, 2018

Remember the days when storing sensitive data behind a simple alphanumeric password worked just fine? Those were the days... such simple, innocent days. Every time the latest company data breach makes the news, we’re reminded that those days are over. As hackers and leakers become ever more skilled and brazen, product companies are responding by doubling down on security measures to protect their users, proprietary information, and their reputation in the market. Today, access control goes far beyond the keyboard. The advent of biometrics - the process of authenticating a person using physical or behavioral characteristics - is expanding the reach of security and increasing its effectiveness.

Can You Outsource QA Architecture?

Can You Outsource QA Architecture?

Publish Date: May 9, 2018

Back in the day, outsourcing was implemented purely as a cost-cutting measure. Organizations would assess which services were vital enough to be kept in-house, and farm out the rest to outside vendors. The work got done, but often, it just wasn’t up to par with what an onsite team could have accomplished. Reasons for this varied -- poor onboarding, insufficient communication, lack of familiarity with the product -- the list goes on.

Stay Long and Prosper: Why Engineer Retention is Critical for QA (Infographic)

Stay Long and Prosper: Why Engineer Retention is Critical for QA (Infographic)

Publish Date: July 19, 2017

It’s no secret that there is a high turnover rate in the tech industry — and that this high attrition occurs in tech companies all over the world. Churn has the potential to result in lower quality products, especially if the turnover occurs in a QA team. Check out QASource’s latest infographic to find out why a high engineer retention rate is critical for effective and beneficial QA services.


Our bloggers are the test management experts at QASource. They are executives, QA managers, team leads, and testing practitioners. Their combined experience exceeds 100 years and they know how to optimize QA efforts in a variety of industries, domains, tools, and technologies.