Ways a QA Partner Can Help Defend Against Ransomware

Ways a QA Partner Can Help Defend Against Ransomware

Publish Date: March 15, 2022

We have some bad news: There is almost no way of creating a completely secure software program. Vile ransomware sneaks in through a variety of different cracks in safety infrastructure, infiltrating machines, and eventually, entire organizations through an email link accidentally clicked. Ransomware, however, is nothing new, and like every aspect of technology, it has also evolved. Previously, it used to be an occasional expense, but now, with the evolution of technology, hackers have managed to infiltrate every industry vertical, from energy, to transportation and healthcare with ransomware attacks.

Benefits of Outsourcing QA When Resource Constrained

Benefits of Outsourcing QA When Resource Constrained

Publish Date: March 15, 2022

Ask any software QA testing team and they’ll tell you that they are resource-constrained. No matter a team’s size or product offerings, there never seems to be enough internal talent or resources to cover all types of testing without asking your internal team to work around the clock.

QASource - A Leading Cybersecurity Testing Services Company (Infographic)

QASource - A Leading Cybersecurity Testing Services Company (Infographic)

Publish Date: March 9, 2022

To ensure that your software is safe and reliable for users to use, you need a reliable cybersecurity testing solution. QASource is a renowned cyber security testing company that can help you release high-quality and reliable software products.

Reimagining QA: How AI-Driven Quality Engineering Is the Future

Reimagining QA: How AI-Driven Quality Engineering Is the Future

Publish Date: March 8, 2022

Modern consumers have everything they need right at their fingertips to interact with organizations. They can research, and purchase software products online, and also share their opinions of the product and overall consumer experience in minutes.

A Glossary of Software Testing Types

A Glossary of Software Testing Types

Publish Date: March 2, 2022

Technology is an integral part of our daily lives. From transferring money online, to accessing our medical records on an app, we utilize dozens of applications and software every single day. Our daily activities are so dependent and intertwined with the functionality of these apps that any form of software malfunction would result in a high level of inconvenience.

5 Ways To Achieve Insprint Test Automation (Infographic)

5 Ways To Achieve Insprint Test Automation (Infographic)

Publish Date: February 23, 2022

In the current state of software development, testing engineers work in compressed cycles and perform automation regression testing to save effort, cost, and time. Insprint test automation is one such scenario where the entire process from development to implementation and software product reporting happens in one sprint.

Best Practices for Continuous Performance Testing in DevOps

Best Practices for Continuous Performance Testing in DevOps

Publish Date: February 22, 2022

Businesses are introducing new and complicated aspects into development at an unprecedented rate. However, because of the pressure to meet deadlines, software features are typically rushed into production without adequate quality control. As a result, clients and users run the risk of encountering performance issues that could have been prevented with sufficient testing.

Edge Computing

Edge Computing

Publish Date: February 16, 2022

Edge is a distributed system that puts forward data processing and data storage closer to the point of action or occurrence of an event. It aids in distributing data without latency and storage requirements on the network.

Tools and Tips To Test Insurance Domain Applications

Tools and Tips To Test Insurance Domain Applications

Publish Date: February 15, 2022

In today's world, insurance companies provide a variety of insurance options related to life, automobile, health, property, and casualty, with different types of coverage plans. Insurance companies are continuously looking for technical solutions to meet the demands of the customers and create products according to their needs.

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Our bloggers are the test management experts at QASource. They are executives, QA managers, team leads, and testing practitioners. Their combined experience exceeds 100 years and they know how to optimize QA efforts in a variety of industries, domains, tools, and technologies.