Timothy Joseph

Timothy Joseph
Timothy Joseph is an experienced QA manager. He balances cloud technologies with on-premises processes, automated testing with manual, and the demands of a release cycle with end-users' needs. Timothy writes regularly about his perspective on QA and lessons learned on the job.

Recent Posts

Implementation of Apps with GraphQL

Implementation of Apps with GraphQL

Publish Date: February 26, 2020

Some of the new age protocols like GraphQL from Facebook and GRPC from Google are now widely getting popular among developers due to their flexibility and ease of use. New-age technology giants have already adopted GraphQL.

9 Tips to Accelerate Your Next Delivery Cycle

9 Tips to Accelerate Your Next Delivery Cycle

Publish Date: February 25, 2020

Time to market and superior quality are the two key factors you need to lead in the digital industry today. The most diligent development teams take many steps to shorten their product release cycle in order to improve productivity, reduce time-to-market, and drive workforce efficiency.

Why Risk Launching Without Thorough Mobile App Testing?

Why Risk Launching Without Thorough Mobile App Testing?

Publish Date: February 18, 2020

As headlined in The New York Times only a couple of weeks ago, the Iowa Caucus debacle was “a systemwide disaster…” and the “app used to tabulate votes may have been inadequately tested.” While additional facts are still coming out, the entire nation watched as there were major delays obtaining and reporting on the Iowa results. And then there was uncertainty as to whether or not they were accurate. While the intent of creating this app was supposed to be positive – to enable simpler more streamlined reporting, faster – we know that’s not at all what happened. And, that’s not exactly how you want your new mobile app rollout and brand to be remembered.

Hybrid File Sharing Platforms and Their Testing Benefits

Hybrid File Sharing Platforms and Their Testing Benefits

Publish Date: February 11, 2020

As your business grows, data storage becomes one of the biggest challenges that you will likely face at some point. Among the myriad of big data challenges, the most notable are shortage of server capacity, sharing issues, security and file backup.

QA Best Practices: 5 Performance Metrics Every QA Team Should Track

QA Best Practices: 5 Performance Metrics Every QA Team Should Track

Publish Date: February 4, 2020

QA test execution can only be as strong as the strategy you have in place. One of the best QA practices we’ve noticed across many software companies actually happens before any testing begins. By implementing a strong plan with thorough processes, every member on your QA team knows what to deliver, when to deliver it by and why it's important. But how do you know if your strategy is sound?

Enhance Your Software Quality Assurance and Testing in 5 Steps

Enhance Your Software Quality Assurance and Testing in 5 Steps

Publish Date: October 15, 2019

Software quality assurance testing creates customers. Its value lies hidden within the smooth flow of your UI, the ease with which a problem turns into a solution and the reliability and security that customers come to take for granted. Software quality assurance is how you turn development innovation into customer experience execution.

Choose the Best Web Application Testing Tools to Automate Your QA

Choose the Best Web Application Testing Tools to Automate Your QA

Publish Date: October 10, 2019

The vastness of the internet rests on the myriad of individual web applications that make up its practically endless network. The ease of access a user experiences and expects belies the multipoint complexity of the underlying web server, application server and database. Pitching a new product into this balance between complexity and simplicity requires a profound commitment to software testing.

6 Test Automation Best Practices and Tips for Startups

6 Test Automation Best Practices and Tips for Startups

Publish Date: October 8, 2019

There is nothing more exciting than your first experience of success. Watching your vision and hard work take shape and become a real product in the hands of real users can be like actualizing a dream. For many startups, those early days are about pulling together as a small, dedicated team with everyone pushing the limits of their skills and experience to produce innovation within the tightest of resource limits. With success comes the promise of growth, and your dreams and goals become larger.

Software Test Management Solutions: How a QA Partner Can Help You Manage Your QA Testing

Software Test Management Solutions: How a QA Partner Can Help You Manage Your QA Testing

Publish Date: October 3, 2019

Partnership is the combination of skills and experience toward a common goal. It is the shared belief in and responsibility for a product. It is a trust that if you do your best and I do mine, we can create something unique and worthwhile. When you engage a QA partner to share the responsibility of your software project, you get to experience all those warm sentiments of cooperation and trust. But you also get to strengthen your own development engine with the skills and experience of expert testers.

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Our bloggers are the test management experts at QASource. They are executives, QA managers, team leads, and testing practitioners. Their combined experience exceeds 100 years and they know how to optimize QA efforts in a variety of industries, domains, tools, and technologies.