High-Stakes API Automation Testing: DOs and DON’Ts

High-Stakes API Automation Testing: DOs and DON’Ts

Publish Date: September 17, 2019

API vulnerabilities are potentially devastating. The programming interfaces at the heart of our internet-connected world shuttle data blindly, dependent entirely on the coding and testing standards that went into their development. The safety and security of your users’ data—and, therefore, your own reputation and brand quality—rest solely on the resources you put into testing the application. It is a high-stakes issue, one that has compromised and embarrassed some of the biggest companies in the world.

Boost Your Customer Retention By Outsourcing Digital Technologies Testing

Boost Your Customer Retention By Outsourcing Digital Technologies Testing

Publish Date: September 13, 2019

With social networks, media streaming, mobile shopping and food delivery at our fingertips, it’s easy to see why we are addicted to our smartphones. At the touch of a button on their smartphone, consumers are able to make a purchase from the comfort of their own home, making time for things more important than standing in line at a crowded store. This clearly illustrates the importance of digital technology in our daily lives, so much so that businesses around the globe have taken advantage over the years. Companies began to market on social media channels, quickly increasing brand recognition. The huge spike in adopting digital technologies has increased the importance of delivering high-quality digital products.

5 Ways to Apply Types of Usability Testing

5 Ways to Apply Types of Usability Testing

Publish Date: September 12, 2019

Your product generates emotions. Each time your end user engages with your product, they have an emotional response based on how well it solves their problem and how difficult it is to achieve that solution. Usability testing is the process of making life easier for your users. When done correctly, it replicates the user experience accurately enough to expose any potential frustrations and to map the most intuitive way to get from the problem to the solution.

Healthcare Domain Testing: Next-Gen Automated QA

Healthcare Domain Testing: Next-Gen Automated QA

Publish Date: September 10, 2019

The breadth of expert testing required to bring a healthcare app to market can be overwhelming. The final product has to be robust enough to handle large flows of electronic health information across intricate interoperable networks while conforming to high transport, terminology and security standards. As quickly as possible. On top of all that, a single flaw within this heavily regulated industry can render the product useless and your reputation as a developer seriously damaged.

Expert Software Quality Management from Day One

Expert Software Quality Management from Day One

Publish Date: September 5, 2019

Time is the one resource you cannot replenish or write-off. It is unstoppable and unforgiving. It is also a crucial element in the successful delivery of any software development project. Outsourcing your software quality management makes time an ally. An experienced QA expert can find efficiencies at every stage of the testing process, from initial planning through to delivery. They can scale up capacity quickly, identify where and when to apply automation, unlock the advantages of Agile development and early bug detection and create a 24-hour cycle of continuous testing and product improvement.

Artificial Intelligence And Robotic Process Automation: What You Need To Know

Artificial Intelligence And Robotic Process Automation: What You Need To Know

Publish Date: September 4, 2019

Automation is a testing technique that follows predefined rules. Artificial Intelligence is designed to simulate human behavior, intelligence and thinking. Now, what would happen if software engineers blend automation with artificial intelligence? Robotic process automation would come into play. What exactly is robotic process automation (RPA)? Our expert AI and test automation engineers have put together all you need to know about RPA in order to achieve maximum ROI.

Understanding Software Quality Metrics with Manual and Automated Testing

Understanding Software Quality Metrics with Manual and Automated Testing

Publish Date: August 29, 2019

Quality is the true measure of product success. Poor user experience or application performance negates any advantages you achieve in delivery speed or production cost. Put simply, if it does not work, it is not worth producing. It is, therefore, critical to our product success that we can accurately measure and track test results to ensure our testing is delivering against our business goals. Understanding software quality metrics, especially in automated testing, helps us identify what is working well and what needs improvement.

7 Advantages to Outsourcing QA Software Testing

7 Advantages to Outsourcing QA Software Testing

Publish Date: August 27, 2019

Are you doing all you can to make your software stand out? Every day of every year, 6,140 new software apps are released on Google Play for Android alone, according to Statista. Switch to the Apple app store, and you will find a further 1,434 added daily. And that is just the mobile market. Those are the raw numbers behind the clichés we hear about “ever-increasing competition” and “rapidly evolving markets.”

Integrate Nearshore Software Development and Testing with an Agile Approach

Integrate Nearshore Software Development and Testing with an Agile Approach

Publish Date: August 22, 2019

Every software development conversation you begin should end with a word on QA testing. The two have become inseparable within the modern SDLC. They are the twin forces that give the Agile approach to software development the strength to dominate product delivery in the digital age. Development innovation is strengthened by continual testing. QA becomes more effective when deployed earlier and more often.

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Our bloggers are the test management experts at QASource. They are executives, QA managers, team leads, and testing practitioners. Their combined experience exceeds 100 years and they know how to optimize QA efforts in a variety of industries, domains, tools, and technologies.