3 Ways Automated Software Testing Will Help Your Product

3 Ways Automated Software Testing Will Help Your Product

Publish Date: February 14, 2019

Software development is a challenge that can be thrilling and frustrating at the same time. Sometimes it feels like a series of barriers stand between you and your product’s release. While finding errors in your software can feel demoralizing, it is really a good thing. If you can find bugs and errors before your product is released to the public, you can fix them. If your software is full of errors when it is released, the public may think you have released it prematurely. And all the patches in the world cannot help a company fix a bad reputation.

Test Cases in Software Testing: 3 Examples to Show Your Engineers

Test Cases in Software Testing: 3 Examples to Show Your Engineers

Publish Date: February 7, 2019

Within an effective QA software testing process, your test cases should speak to you. They provide answers and should be unambiguous. Test cases help shape your product’s features and give meaningful direction to the product’s functionality. They help integrate application features to ensure they work as designed. With so much riding on the results, it is critical to the ROI of your product that your test cases are written well.

Why Mobile Accessibility Testing is a Must for Product Companies

Why Mobile Accessibility Testing is a Must for Product Companies

Publish Date: February 6, 2019

Today, we have the world in the palm of our hands. Or in the pockets of our pants, or attached to a charger snaking out from a wall outlet. The modern smartphone is the first thing many of us reach for in the morning, and the last thing we grasp at night. The change wrought by the smartphone has become so deep rooted, so intrinsic to how we communicate, consume information, and even relax, that it’s hard to imagine life without it. And mobile app product companies are betting that we don’t want to.

Automation Framework Design: Questions To Ask Your QA Tester

Automation Framework Design: Questions To Ask Your QA Tester

Publish Date: January 31, 2019

It’s a simple equation: Better automation leads to a higher-quality product and faster releases. However, achieving better automation requires careful consideration. It requires an understanding of the full scope of your product, and a detailed search for the right outsourced QA tester: Your partner on the road ahead.

Data Science and its Life Cycle: TechnoCast - Winter 2019

Data Science and its Life Cycle: TechnoCast - Winter 2019

Publish Date: January 30, 2019

In this expert series, we bring you the concepts that help us to gain insight into Data Science and its trends, Data Science types, and Machine Learning Life cycle so that you can have a good understanding of it.

The 4 Biggest Pain Points of Legal Domain Testing

The 4 Biggest Pain Points of Legal Domain Testing

Publish Date: January 23, 2019

Every product deserves high-quality testing. It’s the best way to ensure that your developers stay motivated, stakeholders stay happy, and customers stay loyal to your application-whatever it may be. But when it comes to certain software areas, your testers need to be even more vigilant than usual. Think legal, healthcare, and finance software, where highly sensitive user data is stored and transferred. Because the consequences of a bug or security vulnerability are so serious, QA teams need to be on their A-game. And if they’re not, things could go very wrong.

Why We Do API Testing in Cybersecurity Services

Why We Do API Testing in Cybersecurity Services

Publish Date: January 17, 2019

In response to the continued loss of bombers during World War II, one country’s air force decided to add additional armor to its planes. Since the extra weight would cause a loss in performance, they had to be strategic. The obvious answer was to analyze the bullet holes in returned aircraft and place extra plating at the concentration of fire. Wrong.

Mobile Accessibility Testing: MobiCast - Winter 2019

Mobile Accessibility Testing: MobiCast - Winter 2019

Publish Date: January 16, 2019

As users get more opportunities to access new features and so do new questions come. In this expert series, we’d love to highlight one such question, What is Mobile Accessibility? How do we perform Mobile Accessibility testing?

Unique Pain Points for Healthcare Domain Testing: Part 2

Unique Pain Points for Healthcare Domain Testing: Part 2

Publish Date: January 9, 2019

We hope you enjoyed our first installation of this blog post, where we dive into some of the pain points unique to healthcare domain testing and explore their solutions. Whether you have access to a QA partner, or you’re taking on the challenge of healthcare software testing in-house, this article should help you navigate the road ahead!

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Our bloggers are the test management experts at QASource. They are executives, QA managers, team leads, and testing practitioners. Their combined experience exceeds 100 years and they know how to optimize QA efforts in a variety of industries, domains, tools, and technologies.