HR Tech Development and QA Strategies (Infographic)

HR Tech Development and QA Strategies (Infographic)

Publish Date: October 1, 2020

Human resource departments have advanced over the last few years - thanks to the robust HR tech solutions. And as HR technology revamps the way the HR departments function, so have the QA strategies that ensure its growth is in the right direction.

API Testing Checklist: 10 Steps to Start API Testing

API Testing Checklist: 10 Steps to Start API Testing

Publish Date: September 29, 2020

APIs bridge the communication gap between an application and third-party apps. If an API doesn’t work efficiently or effectively, it can negatively impact software quality and business processes. It’s hard to argue against the need to test APIs. However, how to do API testing can quickly become a confusing process.

QAOps and Other Future Trends in Software Testing

QAOps and Other Future Trends in Software Testing

Publish Date: September 1, 2020

Welcome to a new era in software testing. As companies compete to offer the best software products in the market, they must also adopt the latest trends in software testing. And as technology advances at lightning speed, any hesitation about staying up to date with your QA practices can lead to quickly falling behind your rivals.

Web API Testing Done Right: Tutorial

Web API Testing Done Right: Tutorial

Publish Date: August 25, 2020

APIs have streamlined web development for software applications across industries, from startups to tech giants like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox and PayPal. No matter the size of your company or the complexity of your software product, strong web API testing practices are essential to ensuring the security of the application’s codebase as well as confirming that all expected interactions occur between the applications.

HR Tech Development and QA Strategies

HR Tech Development and QA Strategies

Publish Date: August 19, 2020

It should come as no surprise that HR departments have rapidly advanced over the last few years as HR tech rises up to support their organizational needs. And as HR technology accelerates in development, so too must the QA strategies that ensure its growth is on the right track.

API Testing Tutorial: 4 Key Considerations

API Testing Tutorial: 4 Key Considerations

Publish Date: July 30, 2020

The primary goal of API testing is going beyond QA manual testing material by executing code-level testing of both the application and the API. A full, organized suite of testing can verify the individual parts of each method, class and package within the API. Strong API testing practices can ensure the security of the application’s code and confirm the expected interaction between the API layer and the application. There’s a lot that needs to happen during API testing, so where should your team begin?

Best API Testing Tools in 2020

Best API Testing Tools in 2020

Publish Date: July 21, 2020

Every QA engineer can agree that API testing tools are very important when overcoming the common challenges that API testing presents. Yet strong opinions surface when debating which is the best tool to use when following API testing automation best practices. The solution is simple - choose the API testing tool that fits the specific needs of your product, your team and your development cycle. Yet the question remains the same - which API testing tool is the best fit for your product? There’s a lot we need to unpack before you can make this decision. What are API testing tools? How should your team choose an API tool? And is there an API testing tool list that can streamline this decision-making process? We compiled this API testing tool comparison so that your team can expedite your decision based on facts, not hype.

4 Essential API Testing Automation Best Practices

4 Essential API Testing Automation Best Practices

Publish Date: April 7, 2020

APIs have become an essential foundation to drive modern applications. Mobile apps now use standard interfaces to integrate with back-end systems and IoT devices talk to each other as well as third-party applications - all through APIs.

Implementation of Apps with GraphQL

Implementation of Apps with GraphQL

Publish Date: February 26, 2020

Some of the new age protocols like GraphQL from Facebook and GRPC from Google are now widely getting popular among developers due to their flexibility and ease of use. New-age technology giants have already adopted GraphQL.


Our bloggers are the test management experts at QASource. They are executives, QA managers, team leads, and testing practitioners. Their combined experience exceeds 100 years and they know how to optimize QA efforts in a variety of industries, domains, tools, and technologies.